Friday, February 25, 2011

Mom Has Better Luck With 'Les Vêtements'


Clothes for the traveling post-menopausal lady turns out not to be all that easy either.  At least the backpack-carrying; long-distance walking; pilgrimage focused; 85 day long; refugio staying; hotel staying; gites staying sort of PML.  Many weeks of research produced one Jones of New York skirt ("dress-up"); REI for practical stuff like boots, backpack, socks, sleep-sac, secure travel purse; Travel Smith (great quick-dry bra for the larger woman and a skirt); Ex-Officio for 2 tops; Coldwater Creek, and for a great pair of walking sandals. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kay!

    I read through the blog yesterday. I am so excited to the 2 of you. I was just at REI and saw some cute light weight dresses. Even a semi "little black" one.... I was at the one near Costco off of 160. I can't wait to follow your travels. Lee and I went to France (Tour de France) and Italy (sight seeing) last summer. We rode our bikes on the TDF stage routes. It was so exciting!
