Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Alex and E.F. - By Guest Blogger E.O.

Alex and E.F. in Dolores Park, San Francisco
For the first leg of my trip through L.A. and Arizona I’ll be travelling with my little brother Alex and his girlfriend Emily. For the sake of simplicity we’ll refer to Emily with what my family usually calls her which is sometimes La Dos, but mostly E.F.
Obviously, I’ve been traveling with Alex for most of my life. From Disneyland to Machu Picchu; Alex has been right there with me. For the most part, we both have positive recollections of our travels together. Alex's favorite memory happens to be when we both met up at the inauguration of President Obama in Washington D.C. I was lucky enough to have one ticket right up front but Alex had to be somewhere on the lawn about a mile away. Of course, post inauguration the city was completely chaotic with road and tunnel closures. Plus, cell phone coverage was completely non-existent with so many people about. Did I also mention that it was the coldest I’ve ever been? Never before had I felt so much like a penguin trying to huddle as close as possible to complete strangers all bundled up in their finest winter gear of which this California girl had very little.
In any case, I was a bit panicky to be in a freezing city I knew nothing about without any capability of finding my way back to our friend’s place where we were staying or connecting with Alex. Then, just as I was rounding a corner to who knows where; who do I come across but my little brother! We had been aimlessly wondering through hundreds of thousands of people and we were both in shock to have found each other. Of course, from there we still ended up walking up and down the freezing, ecstatic city for hours in an effort to get back to our friend’s house but at least we had each other.
This will be my first real trip with E.F though and I’m excited about it! She’s such a cool gal and has found this awesome
R.V. Park/flea market in Quartzite, Arizona that we can’t wait to check out. We’ll also be staying with her Mom while in Phoenix and her Mom’s boyfriend who happens to be a famous Estonian accordion player. Are you intrigued yet? I certainly am and can't wait to tell you about it on upcoming posts.


  1. Intrigued, INDEED and more than jealous! Have fun KIDS! Em#1, I had hoped to have a chit-chat prior to your departure but I am obviously tardy--- Re-con will have to wait! Enjoy your adventures; send postcards; give a noogie to Alex and a hug to Em#2 or the better name E.F.!!! Have FUN, be safe, and send warm fuzzys my way (when and if you get the chance). xoxo ~J

    1. BTW, I am NOT a robot...your blog-nazi accused otherwise...but thanks for the security. Go Camino Gypsies!
