Sunday, June 26, 2011

Music Video & Photo Montage - "Hola Gatto!"

It should come as no surprise that I am a fan of the feline kind. Every cat I see on the Camino I greet with, "Hey pretty kitty! Ohhh, you're so cute. Gatto, I love you! I kiss you on the lips!" Sick isn't it? I truly have a problem. If I can't find a man to marry me, I'll wind up one of those old ladies who dresses her cats up in Halloween costumes. Oh wait, I already do that. (CleoCATra!) On a side note, perhaps there's a direct correlation between cat costumes and lack of wedding band... Something to think about...

Although I've taken a rather generous amount of pictures of French and Spanish cats on this journey, never have I penned an official song for such encounters. On Father's Day, Red and I wrote Rick (official trail dad, otherwise known as Papa Stork) a poem, so in turn, he composed a song for us entitled, "Hola Gatto!" based on our incessant need to say hello to every animal that crosses our path. Here is Rick singing that tune just outside Portomarin.

YouTube Video

Well, apparently once you write a song about a Camino experience, the Camino offers you a reward. And here it is in photo montage...

The cat really did jump up onto Red's backpack. The best part is, we discovered from other pilgrims that this cat is famous for being an official pilgrim greeter. Shortly after these pictures were taken, said greeter began to eat Red's hat. Bad greeter! Naughty Greeter! I kiss you on the lips!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Portomarin, Spain


  1. Tess, I love the kitties, too. The official Pilgrim greeter is very cute. Keep the cat photos coming. Diane

  2. I wanted to smuggle that cat home with me. But didn't want to make Jade jealous!
